9th Dawn Returns to Android with Shadow of Erthil
The third iteration of the Valorware’s 9th Dawn series released on Google Play this week and hardcore mobile RPG fans everywhere are kissing the ground where they stand. 9th Dawn I and II were remarkable indie RPGs. Boasting charming production values, rich open worlds and fun real-time combat, they’re both well-worth the price of admission. Prettier, larger and chock-full of quests and loot, we expect 9th Dawn III may prove the best in the series.
Upon appearing in-game, you are tasked with investigating some spooky ghosts seen around Lake Elmson. Your inquiries lead you on a journey through the spacious and multifaceted lands of Celdatia. Said questing consequently leads up to an encounter of epic proportions with the denizen of Lorwyck Castle. Oh yeah, and you’re the chosen one. Who knew?
Offering up a vast world with all kinds of nooks and dungeons and crannies to explore, 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil will no doubt keep RPG fans adhered to their screen for hours. What’s more, judging by initial player reactions players’ the folks at Valorware have hit the ball out of the park. 9th Dawn I and II found their way onto a bevy of our best of lists. To say we’re stoked to jump into this one is putting it mildly. Standby for the Hardcore Droid review.