No Time? No problem.
In our modern lives, time is a precious commodity. With so little to spare, we often have to make difficult choices about how to spend our free hours. Do you play a game, or do you eat or sleep? Goboogie Games has the answer with their new release AFK Battle: Idle Princess, which debuted on March 18th. No longer do you have to put up with the chore of actually playing a game. GoBoogie Games promises that with AFK Battle: Idle Princess, you won’t even need to touch your phone. All you have to do is log in once a day to collect your loot and login prizes. Granted, you’ll need to touch your phone to log in, but you get the idea.
Now, that being said, Goboogie Games touts that AFK Battle: Idle Princess features addictive RPG action. You’ll adventure to collect over 200 different heroes, each with their own unique personalities and abilities. You’ll mix and match these heroes to create ideal teams to face all of the challenges the game throws at you. Clear infinite stages, side challenges and daily quests, or join a guild and try your hand at PVP. Goboogie Games promises that you won’t need to pay to win. What’s more, you’ll receive extensive rewards for clearing stages, and unlimited free prizes every day. Also, hero and equipment enhancements are guaranteed to succeed.
To celebrate the launch of the game, Goboogie Games is running two special events through March 31st. You can find out more about these on the developer’s Discord channel. They’re also offering coupon codes through their Facebook page and Twitter account. There are seven-day new player events as well. All of this amounts to a plethora of riches for new players. If you want to get in on the action, head on over to the game’s Google Play page. Alternately, you can wait for the review of AFK Battle: Idle Princess to drop here on Hardcore Droid.