Welcome to issue number 2 of Most Hardcore!
Below you can download the magazine as an app, or read it as an Issuu or save it to your own Issuu account, an iOs app is forthcoming.
Most Hardcore is designed, edited and layed out in its entirety by Senior Editor, Ajax Moroni. It’s articles are written by the magnificent writers, whose names you’ll find listed in the second page. In Issue #2 we’ve grown our small magazine a bit, and we plan to continue to grow it in small ways with each new issue, until it eventually takes over the world.
Issue #2 sports reviews of Deus Ex: The Fall, Rising empires and Tales of Illyria: Beyond the Iron Wall, the three most hardcore games of the season; also included for your reading pleasure are two epic lists of the best Android phones, tablets and phablets of 2013, topped off with a strategy guide of the wonderfully epic, Rising Empires.
Our first issue is available as an Android app, an interactive PDF (forthcoming) or you could read and/or store it on ISSUU and if you want you can also just read it through below using the embedded ISSUU player provided. If you decide to enjoy Most Hardcore via ISSUU, be sure to read below about the optimum ways to read and store your online reading materials using the program.
Android App
The app reads best on a tablet. If users are interested in a more phone friendly Android app, please leave a comment here on the site, our Facebook fanpage or send me an email and we will do what we can to accommodate you.
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*Most Hardcore is an unlisted ISSUU publication. We ask that you respect the fact that we are a small independent online magazine and be very discrete about sharing our ISSUU link and do not embed it on your blog or website.
Interactive PDF