Google Play has released a new selection of games, under the title ‘Games you can feel’, that showcases a range of apps that have each been designed or modified to provide a haptic experience.
Haptic feedback is the use of touch based sensations, such as vibrations, to inform the user of events in-game. Sometimes this can take the form of small jolts of vibration to let players know when they’re sustaining or inflicting damage, a popular mechanic in first person shooters and fighting games, or long rumbles in racing games when traversing rough terrain. It’s also previously been employed to guide players in games, using the strength or frequency of feedback to reflect progress or proximity, and is often used to confirm an act has been performed such as placing and object or plucking a string. All of these aspects can be used to augment the experience and provide a further level of immersion, removing the need to show certain things onscreen, or removing the need for it altogether.
The selection of games currently on offer is small, but expect it to grow soon thanks to Google working together with Immersion, a company specialising in haptic technology that have leant their expertise to each of the 15 apps currently listed. Some of the games that have received help from Immersion are already well known and fairly popular, such as Hero Siege, Drag Racing from developer Creative Mobile and both Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and GTA Vice City, while others like Solo Air earn their place with their creative use of the concept, a guitar app that that can work in unison with an Android wear or Tizen powered smart watch allowing users to change cords by the position on their hand.
You can see the full list of games here on Google Play, or click on an apps title to be taken straight to its page.