Some Fun, Creepy Thrills
There is no universal consensus on what qualifies as scary. Granny: Chapter Two, a free horror title from DVloper, hedges its bets by throwing every beloved horror trope at the wall and hoping they stick. Frightening old people? Check. A large, cavernous booby trapped house? We’ve got you covered. Limited vision? Absolutely. While the onslaught is extensive, it leads to an unexpectedly quiet game.

What Big Eyes You Have
Granny: Chapter Two starts the player immediately trapped in the titular Granny’s house. It’s unclear what, precisely, you’ve done to piss her off, but make no mistake, she and Grandpa very much want to kill you. The house is large and vacuous, with locked doors that need to be busted through utilizing various tools scattered throughout. Granny’s hearing is excellent and she immediately reacts to a dropped item, finding you and killing you. Players hide in secret tunnels and passageways. If Granny or Grandpa finds you, you’re toast.
What Basic Gameplay You Have
The objective of Granny: Chapter Two is to escape the house, more dead than alive. It’s basically a maze-along the way, you’ll find and collect items that are used to aid in your escape, -a cross bow and arrows are used to shoot through a barred door, for example. You toggle through the house using controls on either side of the screen, viewing everything from a first person perspective. The rooms visibility is limited to a flashlights beam of light, so each part of the house remains mysterious. Granny or Grandpa creep up with machetes but the house is lousy with places ideal for hiding.

The Better to Moderately Creep You Out With
Granny: Chapter Two is moderately engaging as a puzzle game. The controls take a moment to fully adapt to, but they are very sensitive, making it easy to overshoot your intent and end up super dead. Unfortunately, lengthy ads punctuate each death. While not the fault of the gameplay, it is a break in intensity. Which is a shame, because while Granny: Chapter Two is not frightening, it is effectively creepy. While the graphics are not going to win any awards, they are decent for an indie game. What’s more, the limited perspective is disorienting and the design of the house is ramshackle and gross enough for government work. Granny and Grandpa are pretty gnarly, and deliver solid jump scares when they catch you unaware. I cannot imagine a scenario where anyone is genuinely frightened by the game, but it’s intriguing enough to keep a player exploring.”
Is it Hardcore?
Granny: Chapter Two isn’t going to set your world on fire, either as a puzzle or a horror game. But it is fun to look at and fun to explore, though littered with far too many ads.
Rating: 3