11/31/13 – Hardcore Droid’s Epic Top Ten Lists Get Links to the Best Holiday Deals on the Internet
We recently joined forces with Amazon.com so that we might match our top ten lists to their best Holiday Deals, so that while you are picking out your next phone, tablet, case of gadget from out best of lists, if you decide to buy it then or soon, you can get the best possible price for it
If you’ve read our lists or some of my copy off of this news page before, then you might remember that our lists are the reason that our small independent publication is at the top of the food chain in the Google search engines for keyword like Android Strategy, because are lists are ome: awesome, and two: invariably written by our best writers, such as lead Hardcore Droid contributor and former IGN staffer, Travis Fahs or veteran journalist, Sam Riedel. Anyhoo, we have matched most of our top ten picks to holiday deals on Amazon. So if you are looking for the perfect phone, tablet, case or gadget this Holiday Season look no further. You can check out our…
P.S. Our Best Mobile Gadgets of All Time list is forthcoming.
11/30/13 – Brilliant 4X Strategy Game, Rising Empires to Get Major Update
When strategy developer extraordinaire, Peter Norberg heard that we were about to give his game Rising Empires the highest score for any game we have ever reviewed, he was pleased, but he also passed on the news that on December 12th, Rising Empires will receive a major overhaul with , among other things, a host of new graphical icons for units and new locales and terrain tiles. The game, we’d say, doesn’t need many alterations when it comes to gameplay because it’s hands down one of the the best 4X strategy game you will ever play on a mobile device. Look for our review this week, the first week of December, look for the update on the 12th, and id you haven’t already, by God, go download the game. You can do so here >>>
11/28/13 – Newly Released Star Arena Marches up the Play Store Paid Apps List
Our friends over at Tidbit games recently sent us the apk for their brand new title, Star Arena, a hybrid sci fi war game/RTS, the title sports a slew of hardcore strategy game features.
-Full 3D HD Graphics, scales to any resolution, tablet or phone
-Complete live online multiplayer experience, including leaderboards
-Ad Free, and no pay to win aspects. When you buy the game, you own the entire game, period.
-Single Player modes (Skirmish and Campaign)
-Fast Paced, Fun, Competitive Gameplay
-Leaderboard and algorithmic ranking system
-2 playable races
-7 Dynamic Multiplayer levels (8 SinglePlayer), single and multi-lanes for different play strategies
-Unit upgrades and special racial weapons
A couple of the guys here at HD’s offices took the apk for a quick test ride and reported back that the title is both a bona fide core video game and a lot fun to play. We will do our best to review it in December so, stay tuned for an in-depth analysis. If you’re interested in checking it out right away, however, you can get it right here >>>
11/27/13 – Staples Hawking Nexus 7 (2013) for 179 Dollarines
As reported by the good folks at Android Authority, the already wildly inexpensive device that never sees a sale is being sold at Staples for $179 greenbacks. Holy Flipping Buddah that’s a good price! You can read more about this and a few less interesting Holiday sales by going here >>>
11/21/13 – Injustice Gods Among Us Goes Live
Given the other woman/man treatment yet again, Android saw Neather Realm Studios’ rather lagging release of Injustice: Gods Among Us go live join it roster of core games today(the title was made available on iOS devices months ago). Unfortunately the port is a freemium as well; as such, we will have to give it a playthrough or three before we make a decision as to whether we will review it or not. We’re damn sick of freemum ripoffs. As a matter of fact, take a look at our recent review of Thor. Still, the title looks gorgeous. We’ll likely crack it open and try to proceed with an open mind. Look for a hardcore review in early December. You can download the title here >>>
11/17/23 – Google Rolls out the Kit Kat Updates.
As reported by the Death Star Borg Amalgamated A.K.A. Android Authority, Google is knee-deep into rolling out Android 4.4–otherwise known as KitKat–updates, and the always sharp and accurate reporters over at AA, have elaborated further than we will here and listed many of the first devices to get served the update and all the goodies therein. If you are anxious to hear more, check out the entire story by going here >>>
11/15/13 – King of Fighters 97 and Anomaly 2 go Live on the Playstore
Anomaly 2 and KOF 97 – two of biggest premium hardcore Android games of the season went live on the Play Store today. Look for upcoming reviews: Travis Fahs will be assessing Anomaly 2 before the week is out and King of Fighters 2 should follow close at its heels.
11/14/13 – Hot Box Games’ Spacebat Goes Live
Our friends over at Hot Box Games sent us a Spacebat care package the other day, with pictures and copy and the game itself. We finally got around to giving it a run through today. Apparently the Spacebats natural enemy is the snake. Who knew? It’s definitely a fun little action game, with a campaign and an endless mode that boasts some bona fide hardcore challenges. A couple of us were really taken with the title and its little batties. You could check out the demo for yourself or buy the whole enchilada for $.99 by going here >>>
11/12/13- Better Late Than Never – Plants Vs Zombies 2 Reviewed
Hardcore Droid Contributor, Ilya Zarembsky reviews the sequel to Pop Cap’s virtuoso tower defense game, giving our final verdict as to whether the long awaited sequel was worth the wait. you can check it out, right here >>>
11/11/13 – Guardian Release List of the Ten Best Android Games for the First Week of November
The superior rag from across the pond released their picks for the best 10 Android games for the first week—kind of—of November, a rather respectable list, we say. You should by all means go give it a whirl. you can do so here >>>
11/07/12 – Rayman Fiesta Run Released
With much fanfare the latest iteration of the Rayman series arrived on Android today. ~A few days later, our own Travis Fahs managed to layout the skinny for you in a superlative review.
11/05/13 – Is Neon Shadow the Best Mobile FPS Ever Made?
Hardcore Droid contributor, Will McCool, indirectly poses that question in his excellent review of the new Android version of the exemplary mobile FPS. You can find out it’s true here >>>
11/01/13 – Nexus 5 is released.
’nuff said.
11/01/13 – So you Want to Work in Video Games Part II Goes Live
Part II of Hardcore Droid’s ongoing series, in which game developers and game journalists describe how they got their foot in the door of the games industry, how they got the rest of the way inside and how you can do it too, posts. This iteration features two articles by indie RPG masters. The first article, The Indie Road, written by developer, Andrew Trese tells the story of how he and brother, Cory, broke into the game dev’s business, how they maintain and also offers a wealth of prize advice to game industry hopefuls. Then we have, A Brief History of Valorware, a piece written by the very young and very talented Charles Cross, developer of the spectacular old school RPG, 9th Dawn. Then, game journalist, Joe Matar offers up a smart and funny article, How to Write Game Reviews or Sounding Smart in a Stupid Medium on how to, of all things, write a game review; and finally, Meg Stivison’s sharp and insightful Becoming a Game Reviewer discusses why games journalism noobs should evolve from game blogger to game reviewer. If you’ve ever remotely considered a career in video games, you can’t miss these articles, but you have to read them too, if you’re simply fond of a good story. You can check out the Introduction to Part II here >>>
10/31/13 – Happy Halloween!
The staff at Hardcore Droid says Happy Halloween and have your mom check out those apples for you before you eat them, and don’t worship Satan.