Can You Feel the Love in Heart’s Choice?
We’ve all heard of Choose Your Own Adventure novels and most of us have played around with virtual romance at some point in our gaming lives (Yes, Mario’s love for Princess Peach counts). What if you could combine these ideas? What if you could throw yourself fully into an interactive romance? Well, look no further, because Choice of Games has just got a little sister and her name is Heart’s Choice! Like the Choice of Games app, Heart’s Choice is a base app that houses interactive stories. In this case, however, they are all based around romance.
Fancy a Crush?
Heart’s Choice doesn’t hide behind the subtext of ‘it might be love or just good friends’. Every story has a guaranteed romantic ending. There’s even a ‘Spicy’ Meter under each title that lets the reader know what they’re in for. There’s a tale about professional wrestlers that maxes out the Spice meter. I can’t say I’m not intrigued. There is also the added benefit of never having to limit your sexuality within the game. A player can be anything from a male heterosexual to an asexual transgender. That’s what makes these virtual novels so interesting. There is nothing pulling the player out of the story. They can customize their avatar and fully immerse themselves without reservations.
Heart’s Choice also follows her big brother’s lead when it comes to in-app purchases. A story is either free or calls for only one payment. There are never any extra options that ask for more money in order to gain access to a better ending. Everything is straightforward and transparent, no tricks.
Keep Hold of Your Heart Strings
Unfortunately, Heart’s Choice is still only a newborn. The app only has a few stories to explore so far. Readers can either become a pirate in Pirate’s Pleasure, explore the Roaring 20’s in Jazz Age, go the sci-fi route in Dawnfall, or embrace your inner fighter in All-World Pro Wrestling. Luckily, these choices are rather diverse, so a player can lose themselves for a bit while they wait anxiously for a new story to come out. With the rate I’m going through them, I hope more come soon.
Is it Hardcore?
Not Yet.
Give yourself a dose of romance with a number of interactive romance novels.