Off To The Races
In the wake of Adobe no longer supporting Flash Player as of the new year, the question of preservation is buzzing in the heads of many online gamers. What will become of all the beloved Flash games created over the years? For many developers, the solution is porting these classics to the mobile market. This is precisely what Gamemiracle Co. is planning to do for many of their classic titles. The most notable of which being their award-winning show pony, iHorse: The Horse Racing Arcade Game. The title is making its way to Android just in time for its 20th anniversary.
Throughout its two-decade history, iHorse has built a strong reputation among the dedicated horseracing gamer community. Specifically, a reputation for being both the most realistic and the most engaging horseracing title out there. Now, that’s all well and good for the hardcore horse gamer subculture–which is apparently a thing that exists–but how does it fare to the layman?
Running in Circles
iHorse: The Horse Racing Arcade Game is nothing if not granular and detailed. Thus, it covers everything from customizing your silks and jockey, to a robust horse training/maintenance system, to a dedicated passage-of-time system, and that’s not even mentioning the races themselves! No bones about it, iHorse can seem quite daunting to the uninitiated, even taking the thorough tutorial into account.
All that being said, if you think you’ve got what it takes to train a champion stud and triumph in derbies all across the globe, then now’s the perfect time to head off to the races and indulge in this little slice of Flash game history! iHorse: The Horse Racing Arcade Game trots onto Google Play and iOS stores this week.