Gaming has been changing a lot over the past decade with the widespread use of mobile gaming with long open-ended games becoming far less common in favour of smaller more casual titles, particularly where microtransactions and payments are concerned too, and with an older audience finding its home in mobile gaming some of the biggest services over at Wish casinos have been extremely successful as seen with the big boom on gambling streams and on Twitch too. Fans of the MMO genre may have found a hit of nostalgia recently with the release of The Burning Crusade Classic, and with some other games on the horizon; could the MMO genre be finding its own path to recovery after experiencing declining numbers for a long time?
Riot Games to Enter the MMO Market
Currently, there’s little known about the game as the studio is still in the hiring process. With League of Legends and Valorant under their belt, many consider the potential audience Riot’s upcoming MMO to be huge. It’s a little difficult to say right now, not even having a preview of the game means it’s still a long way off. And with development cycles for these larger games taking a long time, we may be unlikely to see anything regarding this game until near the end of the decade. Where it may just prove a spell too late.
Palia offers up a different take on the genre. It does this by providing a more social experience akin to something like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing. Ex-Blizzard and ex-Riot developers recently unveiled Palia, which is set to have an early-alpha access event soon enough. As it breaks the mold and is quite different, there’s no guarantee for success. However considering the heavily stylized “Breath of the Wild” look and a new approach to an MMO game, it could certainly be very successful, and fill a gap currently missing.
Ashes of Creation
The last of the big games in development at the moment is Ashes. It has certainly developed a huge amount of hype with the promise of big features. Ashes promises to bring some key aspects of many different big MMO titles of the past together. Recent alpha footage has helped the hype here a little too, but with many delays and possible an approach that’s a little too ambitious, there are just as many fans worried that the game won’t ever leave the development state, and with huge costs attached to a digital pre-purchase with the likes of a Alpha One edition costing $500 and only included one years’ time worth of subscription, it does have some worried about the future cash-grab aspect of the game, particularly as it first started as a kick-starter game before private investment.