Hardcore Droid’s Pascal’s Wager Chapter Two Walkthrough
Pascal’s Wager by Giant Global is essentially the Dark Souls of mobile gaming. If your just starting out you can find our chapter one walkthrough here. However, if you’ve already fought your way through Heggem then welcome to our Pascal’s Wager chapter two walkthrough.
Save The Girl
After defeating the Maddened Ascetic at the end of chapter one, Terrance, and his companions travel to the city of Adamina. Once there, move forward towards the bell. A message will pop up informing you that ringing the bell will return you to the carriage. Hold down to close the pop up. Continue forward and you’ll quickly trigger a short cutscene. A girl is stuck in a cart, with two reptilian marred waiting just outside it. Activate the altar to your left then take down the two reptilian marred by the cart.
Save The Mother
Terrance speaks to the girl who begs him to save her mother in Adamina. Head up the path past the cart. There’s a gate to the right of the cart, but you can’t open it from here so ignore it for now. A reptilian marred lurks on the path above you. Take it down with throwing knives if you have them. You’ll soon run into a new enemy—the weak mother. Weak mother’s attack with a staff while cradling a swaddled babe in their other arm. Take her out with some swift light attacks. If you didn’t take out the marred on the path above, it jumps down and attacks you from behind so be prepared to dodge. After defeating the weak mother continue up the path. A word of warning: When a weak mother appears to be kneeling in prayer, attack quickly or she will turn into a tentacle marred.
Find the Holy Father
You’ll see a butcher digging in the dirt ahead of you. Lock on to her and hit her with a heavy attack from behind. After defeating her continue up the path until a cutscene triggers in which Viola is captured. When you try to save her, the young girl from the cart will stab you and you pass out. You awake and immediately find yourself in a boss battle against Elmar, a fierce-looking woman. Just as she is about to kill you, the mysterious masked man we saw in chapter one comes to your aid. You learn his name is Norwood and that he too works for the church. You also learn that Viola is going to be forced to wed a sinister man known as the Holy Father who is at the Oracle Site.
Enter Norwood
After the cutscene ends you automatically unlock the ability to play as Norwood. Norwood is something of a masked enigma—he has only one arm and wields a coffin on a chain as a weapon. While Terrance is perfect for dealing quick attacks, Norwood deals heavy damage with a swing of his coffin. As an additional perk, should the character you’re currently playing as meet a grisly end, you’ll be able to continue fighting as the character you had in reserve. Whenever out of combat you can switch between the two characters by tapping the characters portrait in the upper right corner of the screen.
After the cutscene, you find yourself in sparse chamber with bodies hanging from the ceiling. There are two possible paths to take—an upward sloping path and a door. Open the door and look behind it to find a Heggie. Continue down the path until you reach the gate from the beginning of the chapter. Use the lever to open it. Turn around and return to the chamber with bodies hanging from the ceiling. This time take the path upward.
Head out through the open gate, kill a reptilian marred, and turn left. The path breaks into three here—two of which are dead ends. Take the middle path as there is a chest for you to open here. A midwife will jump down and attack you with a pair of forceps when you reach the chest. Kill her, open the chest, and head over to the circular peninsula to your right where you’ll face off against another midwife. Pick up the Adimina Herbs from the center of the peninsula, turn around and take the main path upward.
A reptilian marred waits on a boulder to your right, ready to pounce. Take it out and continue forward. Another marred will jump down and attack you as you near the bodies hanging the giant tree root. Continue along and you’ll be attacked by a midwife and two reptilian marred. Enter the building through the archway ahead. Follow the path until it widens. Be ready a butcher is lying in wait to your right. Dispatch it and cross the room to the gate to trigger a cutscene.
Find Elmar
Terrance and Norwood confront the young girl who betrayed Terrance earlier. From behind the bars of a dungeon cell, she admits that the Holy Father told her if she lured strangers to Adamina she would see her mother again. The girl claims Elmar locked her up to protect her. She asks Terrance and Norwood to find Elmar and retrieve the dungeon key though she warns them Elmar hasn’t been herself lately.
When you regain control of your character climb the ladder at the end of the hall. Take the path to your left careful to avoid the hole in the ground for now. There is a midwife at the end of the ramp ahead of you. Avoid her ranged attack by dodging forward when she fires at you. After you defeat her round the corner and activate the altar.
Jump through the hole in the ground and take out the weak mother then open the door. Warning: If you rested at the altar there will be a butcher waiting outside the door. You now find yourself back outside the girl’s dungeon cell. Climb back up the ladder this time and take the other path.
Leave the building and continue down the path until you reach yet another weak mother. Take her out quickly as you’ll be assaulted with fire from above. Just after the weak mother, you’ll find another butcher digging in the dirt. Take her out then speak to the woman hunched over the cauldron.
The Pain of Newborn
The old woman tells you she is crafting a potion to dull the pain of childbirth. She asks you to pick some Adamina Herbs for her. Agreeing to gather the herb starts the side quest: The Pain of Newborn. Give her the Adamina Herb we picked up earlier. She than asks you to gather a portion of living marred creatures.
After speaking with the old woman walk past her to the left and jump down onto the ledge below. There’s a sifler here so be sure to stock up on needed supplies before entering the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel climb the ladder. Open the chest to your right then use the lever to open the gate. Climb the ladder and kill the midwife. Pick up the throwing knives and climb back down. Exit through the archway and dispatch the weak mother and reptilian marred that attack you. Then open the chest near the cliff’s edge. Return to the old woman. Give her the portion of living marred creatures. This concludes the quest: The Pain of Newborn and you’ll be rewarded with three elixirs of hallucination.
Continue the Main Quest
Take the upward sloping path directly across from the old woman. Take out the reptilian marred and quickly dodge out of the way of a rolling boulder. Continue up the path until you reach two butchers in front of a closed gate. Take them down then head over to the little ledge near the large tombstone and climb down the ladder. Take the ramp to the right kill the butcher and enter the corridor. Follow the path until you reach a ladder—climb it.
Kill the midwife and take the path to the right to take out another midwife standing on the ledge. Lock onto the tentacle marred beneath you and hold down the heavy attack button as you jump down. After you kill the tentacle marred use the lever to open the gate. Climb down the ladder again, this time turning to the left. Kill the midwife on the bridge. You can’t open the gate at the end of the bridge so hop down to your left. On this ledge, you’ll find another Heggie. Jump down and activate the altar.
Mother and Daughter
Continue down the left path. Take out the butcher at the fork in the path. The path to the left can only be accessed once you’ve purchased the Deep into the Dark Mist DLC so take the path to the right. You’ll see a group of pregnant women in wheelchairs. Only one appears to be conscious. Speak to her to trigger the side quest Mother and Daughter. It turns out the pregnant woman is the mother of the girl we met earlier. She asks Terrance to bring the girl her favorite puppet and to tell her she will return after birthing the Holy Father’s child.
Continue past the group of women and climb down the ladder. Kill two reptilian marred then continue down the path to battle Elmar. Elmar is a difficult and powerful opponent. Besides coming at you with dual blades she also utilizes a jump attack. She also has a ranged attack in which she shoots a chain out of one of her blades. Your best bet is to dodge then hit her once or twice before falling back. Once you’ve defeated Elmar pick up the dungeon key.
You’ll see a path with a strange red mist at the end—this is where the Holy Father is. However, the path is sealed by magic. Cross the bridge and climb the ladders. You’ll find yourself on the other side of the gate on the bridge we passed by earlier. There is a Heggie here. Use the lever to open the gate and cross the bridge.
Jump down onto the ledge where you saw a Heggie earlier. Jump down to the ground and cross beneath the bridge. There is butcher here followed closely by a midwife and a weak mother. You’ll notice the ground around them glows red. Once you step into the glowing red area your movement is slowed. Utilize dodge and draw them apart from each other so you can take them on one by one.
Open the Exit of the Dungeon
Open the chest then continue past the glowing red area and kick down the ladder. After descending the ladder you’ll be attacked by a midwife and a reptilian marred. Turn around and head through the hall until you reach the girl’s dungeon cell. Speak to the girl. She tells you to use the key to unlock the upper cell door.
From here make your way back to the old woman from whom you received the side quest: The Pain of Newborn. Follow the upward sloping path and head through the gate to the left we opened earlier. Climb up the path and cross the ledge. Take the downward sloping path to your left. Here you’ll see a prison grate with a ladder. Kick the ladder to open the grate and climb down. You are now inside the girl’s cell. Open the chest to your right then speak with the girl.
Mother and Daughter
In exchange for freeing her, the girl gives you an Oracle Crystle which will allow you to enter the oracle site. Speak to the girl again to give her the puppet. Terrance tells the girl her mother is in the place of the newborn waiting to deliver the Holy Father’s baby and will return soon. The girl takes off to be with her mother. Return to the place of newborns—where you found the girl’s mother—and speak with mother and daughter. The mother gives birth to a tentacle marred before dying. Kill the tentacle marred and speak to the young girl. This concludes the side quest: Mother and Daughter.
Go to the Oracle Site
Climb down the ladder and continue down the path until you reach the spot where you fought Elmar. This time take the path to the Holy Father’s hideout. As you approach the barrier will melt away allowing you to pass through the archway. A cutscene will trigger. You’ll notice Viola lying unconscious on an altar in the background as the Holy Father argues with Teresa the red-headed witch. Terrance comes to Teresa’s defense as the Holy Father attacks her. After Teresa flees, your left to battle the Holy Father.
The Holy Father
The Holy Father is by far, the most difficult opponent you have yet to face. While the Holy Father is little more than a sickly old man in a throne. However, his throne is perched on the back of a giant humanoid marred. This creature wields dual blades and typically strikes out twice—which you’ll want to block or dodge—before dealing a stab attack, which leaves it vulnerable for a few seconds. While the marred is busy freeing its blade from the ground come in close for a few attacks of your own. The marred the Holy Father rides around on also has a range attack in which her blade shoots out on a chain and impales you—similar to Scorpion’s classic move in Mortal Kombat. While battling the marred keep an eye out for the Holy Father and be ready to dodge his range attacks.
Make sure you stock up on Elixir’s of Sanity before entering the Holy Father’s hiding place and keep an eye on your sanity throughout the fight. If you enter the lunatic state, the marred creature will get down on all fours and attack far more swiftly. Once the marred creature is defeated, you’ll speak with The Holy Father who offers information on Teresa in exchange for his life. After the Holy Father tells you what he knows Terrance will kill him and Viola will awaken. After a short conversation, the cutscene ends. Backtrack to the place of the newborn—where we saw the girl’s mother—and take the path to the right and ring the bell to return to the carriage. After the cutscene, open the map and travel to Exilium. Congratulations, you just beat chapter two.
Be sure to check out our Pascal’s Wager Walkthrough for chapter one, chapter three, chapter four and chapter five as well as our awesome review. While you’re at it, look over our part one and part two of our Tips and Tricks Guides to Pascal’s Wager, and its expansions.