Rovio, famously known for their Angry Birds franchise, have been milking the series since its launch. With a new reskinned version hitting shelves every couple of months, it’s refreshing to learn that they are working on an original game titled Sky Punks. At first glance, the game looks nothing like their infamous series Angry Birds, which isn’t surprising because they are nothing alike. This endless runner type game is definitely more complicated than launching a couple of birds at a some unsuspecting of pigs. Under their third-party label called Rovio Stars, Sky Punks is a racing game in which the player speeds across various levels on a planet called Neo Terra.
The vehicle of choice in this game is the GlideWing, a hovering machine reminiscent of a flying motorcycle. There are multiple GlideWings to choose from all varying in shape and size to accommodate the different riders the player has the choice of selecting. Each ‘Sky Punk’ has their own vehicle and ability that gives them their respective style. The player races along various terrains all with a unique feel which shows that Rovio put care into this game. Each level consists of a colorful landscape that flashes by as the player progresses through their race. Characters and GlideWings can also be purchased through the use of IAPs but can alternatively be unlocked through completing objectives and achievements. Although Sky Punks has been selectively released for the iOS, an Android version has been confirmed for a future launch.