Punch Your Way to Victory
Lightfox Games has gifted us the opportunity to punch our foes and throw them in the mud with Rumble Club. Reminiscent of Gang Beasts, Lightfox’s MMO sees you fighting for your life on crumbling ground. Knock them down and throw them in the goo.
Gameplay is simple. You try to eliminate your opponents before they get rid of you. Up to 20 players are let loose on a random map with traps and falling platforms surrounded by deadly goo. To win, you need to make them fall or throw them in it. All around the map, you’ll have several gadgets at your disposal. And if all else fails, you still have your fists.
The trick is to push, knock or throw them in the mud or to hope that the environment gets them. To knock an enemy, you need to punch them 3 times with a loaded punch or hit them with something heavy. To carry an object or a gadget, stand next to it for a couple of seconds uninterrupted. The same applies to carrying knocked enemies. Now, to punch you press a button. To load that punch, you press it longer. To use a gadget, you get close to it until it loads and then press the same button to use it. Easy, if not repetitive.
Be the Last Punchie Standing
By playing you get trophies that unlock rewards, like gadget cards to upgrade the gadgets, gold and more. Keep in mind that if your performance is bad, they will deduct trophies from you. Rumble Club also hosts events, like the Goop Cube or the Deathmatch, which offer different game styles. These events also reward and deduct trophies. There’s also a battle pass with daily missions.
The gold can be used in the store to buy skins, accessories and paint. Although, it won’t matter much because you don’t get many. There’s another currency (gems) you can exchange for bundles or specific items, but it’s even harder to get. Of course, you can always use real money.
Sadly, I wasn’t as entertained by Rumble Club as I thought I’d be. Even when the game had different gadgets and scenarios, after the fourth run I was over it. The controls to move around are a little clunky, but I think it’s intended that way. Similar to Fall Guys, the loaded punches took too long for my liking and the aiming was subpar. The collector aspect might have made it more interesting to me if it was more accessible. As it stands now, you need to win several matches to unlock cards, skins and accessories. However, people who like battle royales like Fall Guys or Gang Beasts might find it more entertaining than I did.
It’s on the better side of alright.