Going Green
From publisher Tilting Point, TerraGenesis: Space Settlers is a planet terraforming simulator downloaded over 28 million times worldwide. Tilting Point joins 40 other studios like Rovio and Wooga in participating in the third annual Green Game Jam. GGJ is an initiative where game industry leaders come together to discuss how to act against climate change. With TerraGenesis: Space Settlers, a leaderboard displays how many trees each user planted. This is as an extension of the game’s Ecologi integration. Every time a player plants a tree in-game, signals are sent to the climate action collective in New York to plant an equal number of trees in the real world. So far, this project has planted over 500,000 trees in places like Madagascar and Nicaragua.

Players receive ‘carbon impact points’ by being active in the game and participating in events. The more points players earn, the more trees they plant. Then the leaderboard tracks the number of trees planted to encourage competition. This increases tree-planting in the game and in real life. Beyond the leaderboard, TerraGenesis: Space Settlers will have a limited-time event on Earth to help raise awareness of the global food crisis. Players will add new restorative biomass facilities to their planets, such as Soil Farms, Coastal Habitations and more. Also, the Rodale Institute lent its name and likeness to the game. It’s a real nonprofit organization supporting research into organic farming. During the event, players will have to overcome food wastage, deforestation and beyond to help in-game Earth. Download the game here to partake in the event and get some trees planted.