Kick back and let Hardcore Droid tell you about the best Android games for the week 5-10-2015. From the gore-filled action of Mortal Kombat X to the sedate strategy of business sim, The Ramen Sensei, this weeks selection of bests are a potpourri of wanton badassery.

5. Marvel Future Fight.
The game’s nine chapters are packed with missions and there are over thirty heroes and villains of the Marvel universe to recruit throughout the campaign. Starting with the team of Black Widow, Captain America and Ironman players will fight their way through levels, clearing rooms, switching through team members, and taking down bosses. Success is rewarded not only with the rest of the Avengers, such as Hawkeye and Thor, being unlocked as playable characters but also other iconic Marvel heroes including Daredevil, Black Bolt, and Spiderman are mid to late game unlockables, while the supervillains on offer include the likes of Loki and Malekith. Characters can be customized to suit players preferred style and equipped with a range of costumes, both from the recent movies and each hero rich comic book history is available to players as well. Each character in this freemium ARPG start off with two special abilities that can be further added to and upgraded with in-game currencies and other free-to-play elements. It also features an Arena mode to unlock and an elite mode, where player can retry levels on a harder difficultly, along with the obligatory multiplayer versus mode. The smooth and detailed style of the game is complimented by a choice of controls, one-touch or onscreen controls, and it also includes an auto-attack option for lazy leveling.
The newest Kairosoft game keeps true to the developers strengths with an enjoyable management sim that sees player’s building their own Noodle based empire from it’s very first store. Working to keep staff happy, stocking the right ingredients for the areas customers, and researching new equipment and recipes will all be needed if players are to grow their ramen franchise into something worthy of its own theme park. As they expand to more locations managers need to be hired to run individual shops, employees can be trained to increase their skills and learn new abilities, and promotional campaigns can be used to attract customers. There are also contests to compete in and mini-games that unlock new equipment and features for use that will help you survive when a rival comes to town. Filled with hundreds of unlockable items, a wealth of locations to open in, and a range of tools to encourage sales, The Ramen Sensei is colorful, fast paced business sim for those with the will to grow a meager dinner into a world renowned franchise.
3. Star Wars : The Complete Saga
The great console Lego Star Wars games have finally come to Android with Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga. For those of you unfamiliar with these titles, The Complete Saga covers all six episodes of the sci-fi saga in all its wonderful space opera glory. Its filled with all the high speed, lightsaber duelling action from the movies, with levels based around key scene’s in the movies. Recreating everything from Qui-Gon’s failed negotiations with the trade Federation and a young Anakin earning his freedom in a pod race, to destroying the shield generator on Endor and blowing up the death star with a iconic Lego brick Millennium Falcon in tow, the game has hours of action adventure gameplay with humorous cut scenes, puzzle filled secret areas and over 30 playable character’s to unlock, including Jedi, Wookies and Princesses, and a variety of spaceships and fighters to use in the game’s dog fights. There are also a variety of collectables to be found, granting access to new levels, model kits, and game changing cheats. With a clean new interface and all the charm of the original, Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga is a great choice for anyone looking for some adventure on Android.
The latest remastering of the 1989 JRPG Ys Chronicles I brings the first installment of the classic to Android along with it’s fast-paced real time combat, deep and rewarding narrative, and rich high-fantasy world that is literally brimming with engaging stories and characters. Playing as the adventurous young swordsman Adol Christin, players set out on an epic fantasy quest to collect six history books to save the land of Esteria, slaying monsters and felling bosses while collecting treasure and upgrading their equipment. While the action filled battles benefit from the new touch controls, reacting smoothly as players dodge around enemies to avoid head-on collisions and aim for their weak points, there is support for HID controllers and Android TV for those who want it. It also features two remixed soundtracks alongside the original and the game’s gorgeous updated visuals can be switched out for the original 8-bit version, if you’re in the mood for nostalgia. With short frantic battles and an intuitive control system Ys Chronicles I is ideal for short gaming sessions on the move, while the history and people of Esteria will enchant any with a penchant for fantasy lore.
1. Mortal Kombat X
Replacing thumbsticks and buttons with taps and swipes, Mortal Kombat X features all the gory visuals and much of the crippling combat the series is known for, from the long running fatalities to the recently added high power X-ray moves that show an enemies innards as they crumble from abuse. And even though mobile MK X’s action is a rather simplified version of the game’s legendary Kombat, and in spite of the fact the dopey story told via cut scenes and various game modes have been replaced by a collectible card game, we cannot help but but shout “Mortal Kombat!” whenever we consider firing the game up on our phones. And while we were initially a little put-off by said simple Kombat, overall, we came away from our first brief playthrough feeling hopeful.
While players begin the game as a lowly bronze tier Kombatant with a team of 3 fighters, they can unlock the familiar faces of the franchise, such as Johnny Cage, Raiden, Liu Kang, and Sonya Blade, as playable characters. In addition to the newest fighters to arrive on the console version and several mobile exclusives. Taking part in 3 on 3 tag team battles players can progress through the story mode, collecting new cards to upgrade and unlock warriors, or opt to hasten character development via the game’s IAPs. A multiplayer and tower mode also add to the content on offer, and it’s cross-connectivity will reward console owners with the game. With sumptuous, detailed graphics, easy to use controls, and all the brutality and action the series has grown to promise, Mortal Kombat X delivers a stylish, well-built bone crushing experience that will likely appeal not only to fans of the series, but also anybody on the lookout for a rewarding and fast-paced fighting game.