Welcome to Hardcore Droid, an online magazine dedicated to hardcore gaming on the Android OS. Among our writers and artists are seasoned professionals as well as pros who have earned that designation within the pages of our magazine. We are, in all ways, a publication for gamers by gamers.
Hardcore Droid does not care about perturbed avians; could give two dashes of goo about a World of Goo. Hardcore Droid is committed to that essential stripe of core video games that appeal to the aesthetic of the hardcore gamer. With Andrioid proliferating more quickly than any other OS and its machinery taking its first steps into the waters of bona fide hardcore gaming, the time couldn’t be better for a magazine dedicated to the most popular types of games as played on the world’s fastest growing operating system.
And right now we are the only game in town—the only site on Earth dedicated to hardcore gaming on Android OS. So if you own an Android and you love games, come on in and have a look around, read a review or an interview or a bit of news or head over to You Review It and write an article of your own. Will do our best to comment on your writing whenever we can and as we’ve promised we will choose a few highly skilled writers among our user reviewers and publish them in a professional venue. You won’t find that anywhere else.
Android fanatics, hardcore gamers, aspiring game journalists, you are welcome. This space is for you.
Al Jackson
Hardcore Droid