Set in a dark fantasy world where the last human city attempts to rebuild after a war between the physical world and the Spirit realm, Spirit Lords is a top-down 3D multiplayer dungeon crawler. Players lead their hero through the underground labyrinths in search of the power to restore mankind, encountering a variety of races and enemies while collecting treasure and vanquishing dungeon bosses.
Along with the assortment of swords, shields, armor and other equipment that can be found in the dungeons are Spirits, magical creatures than can be captured and trained to help your hero harness powerful abilities. Each Spirit has its own powers to bestow but by fusing them together players are able to unlock new and powerful techniques, and with more than 200 abilities on offer there’s a lot to find and play with. the level design of Spirit Lords lends itself to short play sessions, adapting the classic dungeon crawling formula for the mobile devices and the brief, opportunistic windows gamer find throughout the day, with even the longer levels only taking a few minutes to complete. You can get it here for free on Google Play.