Another Merger
Merge games have become more prevalent in app stores lately. So much so that some feel like direct copycats of others. You would think people would get tired of fixing up mansions and clearing fog, among other things. However, merge games are popular mostly due to their “building, storytelling, treasure hunting, and resource management,” according to AppLovin. I will admit, I have played several merging games that have been both fun and engaging. Bonus points if they have a good story. When it comes to Magic School: Wizard Merge from Becube Co., it may be visually interesting, but it’s just another average merge game. It doesn’t really stand out against the others like it and stagnates after a while.
Mid Magic
One positive thing I’ll say about Magic School: Wizard Merge is that it’s not another Harry Potter game. Too many of those lately. The basic premise is to clear fog from surrounding areas, find magic teachers and build a magic school. Everything is made up of several parts you need to merge. For example, one of the teachers you find, Rowen, is represented by a pair of boots. Merging three separate pairs of boots will eventually reveal him. This same principle can be applied to everything in the game. Though this ensures the game doesn’t go by too quickly, it can also get pretty tedious. It often feels like it takes forever to get one specific merged item just to advance the story a little. Plus, moving objects around the map is a bit awkward. The camera isn’t very smooth and sometimes it takes a few tries to move things.
Wimpy Wizards
Though providing some entertainment, Magic School: Wizard Merge is just another generic merging game. There’s nothing new to write home about. The merging mechanics test your patience with how long they take, and camera movement is wonky at best. I personally feel this game is a barely a decent time waster. Since there are many kinds of merge games out there, you’d be better off looking into those.
Is It Hardcore?
Not Really.
Yet another innocuous merge game in a sea of others. Magical it is not.