A Storied History
The lane defense genre has long been a staple in mobile games. The meteoric hit Plants vs Zombies launched in 2009 and similarly styled games have flooded the mobile market ever since. Mystic Hammer attempts to stand out with the promise of a unique blend of storytelling and RPG elements.
Even though this is the debut title from one-man studio PozziSoft, it is certainly ambitious. Mystic Hammer hopes to push the lane defense genre forward while remaining accessible to all players. It attempts to bridge the gap between the hardcore and the casual by melding elements of both into one cohesive package. According to its Steam reviews, it may not be far off.
Forging Ahead
While new to the mobile scene, Mystic Hammer launched on PC in October 2020 to positive reviews. Fans praise the game’s art style alongside engaging story and gameplay elements. Players can improve their characters with class-based abilities and upgrades. The game also offers a wide variety of hammer upgrades that affect battles in distinct ways. PozziSoft claims these elements merge, ensuring that no two levels ever play the same.
Mystic Hammer also boasts 50 campaign levels, including 120 waves of enemies throughout ever-changing landscapes. Alongside an unlimited Tower Run mode, players should have enough content to keep themselves invested for hours.
If this blend of RPG and lane defense sounds interesting, then Mystic Hammer might be right for you. Check it out on Android and iOS now, and stay tuned for the official Hardcore Droid review.