<< PREV 12. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes NEXT >>
Oh no he didn’t! A puzzle game on an RPG best-of list? Well, this is literally the only game with puzzle elements in the known universe that I would put on such a list because it’s not a puzzle game. It’s an RPG. Granted it’s more of a JRPG. And though it adheres to the unfortunate aesthetic in which all of the central characters look like 12-year-old girls, it’s still a beautifully rendered game. The game was built in a manga rendition of the Might and Magic universe, which is ultimately a lot of fun, in the way that a well-made Nintendo gameworld is fun. That is to say, it’s dramatic, childish and vaguely demented. Since Clash began life as a DS game the Nintendo-angle makes a lot of sense. Clash plays like a strategy RPG with a dose more RPG than strategy and a strategic element that’s ultimately rather puzzle-like. If you suggested that it would be hard to tag Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes as an exemplary RPG outside of its native DS platform, we’d have to agree. Its mix of genres, however, make Clash a perfect fit for a Best Android RPG list, because in its heart’s core it is a mobile RPG. Players take on the role of a different avatar for each of Clash’s five chapters, and for each, take on the role of a new playable character. During this process, players delve into customizing and leveling both their avatar and the platoons of monsters, undead and heroes that follow him around—a process which is invariably fun. Clash’s combat too, a combination of timing, match 3 puzzle solving and strategic placement is complex enough to satisfy for the entirety of the game’s 100+ hours of play time. Like any great RPG, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes’ art, story, combat and leveling dovetail gracefully with one another, and organically form a whole that is more than worth the cost of admission. If you’ve been occasionally eyeing this one, but have stayed away because it seemed too puzzly, we say don’t deny yourself a moment longer as Might & Magic Clash of Heroes is hands down one the best Android RPGs ever made.