Presidential Intrigue
The satirical This Is The President just landed on mobile devices. The brainchild of Handy Games and SuperPAC, they initially released the strategy title for PC in 2021. It’s a game full of balancing acts, between pointing out the flaws in democracy and covering up corruption.
Being the newly elected multi-millionaire president in This Is The President is a pretty easy job. All you have to do is raise $7 million and have two-thirds of Congress on your team. Also, your approval ratings have to be through the roof to ratify Amendment 28 and avoid prison. Pretty simple, right?
That’s the goal of this strategy game. Players need to avoid landing in prison no matter what. This means picking a cabinet full of advisors who are just as corrupt, if not more, than the player. It isn’t just deciding policies and greasing hands with money to make the wheels turn how you want them. Players need to carefully balance their wealth, presidential duties and hiding their crimes without getting caught. Hiding these crimes may mean committing more. It’s all up to the decisions made within the game.
The brains behind This Is The President have a variety of social media for players to catch up with them. There’s also a Discord server set up for players to join, along with a Facebook page and Twitter account. You can find This is the President on Google Play, and keep your eye out for the Hardcore review!