You Are Humanity’s Last Hope in Earth Wars
“Come with me if you want to live.” They may not be Terminators, but unknown organisms called E.B.E have launched a global campaign of destruction in Earth Wars. With cities such as New York, Detroit, Houston, all the way to San Francisco invaded by E.B.E. nests, it is up to you and your group of A.N.T.I. advanced troops to destroy the nets and end the war!
Armed with advanced anti-E.B.E. bio armor and weaponry that would make Tony Stark’s head spin, you, and your troops under the orders of United Earth Commander-in-Chief Geoffrey Harvey, will annihilate the E.B.E. at any cost. Much like John Connor, who was the chosen leader of the human resistance in the war against the Terminator’s and Skynet and humanity’s last hope, this game from Daerisoft, makes you Earth’s last hope in a war that has devastated mankind.

Anti-E.B.E. Bio Armor and Weaponry
Imagine if the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation had succeeded in their goal of assimilating all species, but they had done it for the right reasons. Well, the plot of Earth Wars is a bit like that except that it is humans who are fighting against the E.B.E. and are responsible for creating the advanced armor and weaponry used in the game. Essentially humanity is a bit like the Borg in a sense except they are not trying to take over worlds or civilizations. Instead, they are using technology for a righteous cause.
One of the great things about the game is its setting. The events take place in 2035, and New York serves as a main focal point. The bio armor is also quite sleek. It is sort of like Iron Man armor, but with far more tricks up its sleeve.
As for weapons, players start off with a saber and a gun, but as they progress and defeat enemies, they collect materials that allow them to craft- and enhance- different types of weapons and upgrade their armor. The better your weapons and armor the better your chances are of survival. One drawback, however, is that your weaponry is limited to a saber and a gun. While you can enhance and craft those weapons, its all you get. A little more variety would be nice.

Attacks, Enemies and Enemy Nests
In any game where you play the hero or heroes there are always enemies to contend with and some are far harder to deal with than others. Earth Wars has several enemies and enemy nets that players must battle. The E.B.E. are your main enemies and move around in groups targeting areas such as densely populated cities like New York, by, land or air. Defeating regular enemies also gives you reward materials that you can use to craft/enhance weapons and armor to help improve your chances on the battlefield.
Elite Species are another enemy type and are a much stronger form of the regular E.B.E. enemies you encounter. These Elites can assume the characteristics of their surroundings and are ferociously dangerous and powerful, making them for more difficult to defeat. However, vanquishing them earns players a grand prize in battle, such as E.B.E. materials that allow for more advanced weaponry to continue the fight.
Of course, in an ultimate battle of good versus evil for the soul of Earth, you must be able to attack your foes, right? Luckily, controls are simple. Moving your character requires you to use the directional pad or D-Pad, to move your character up, down, left, or right. To jump, all you must do is press the jump button, hitting the button labeled “boost” allows you to do a short dash forward, and to attack you just press the attack button. Simple, but nothing special. You can also link attacks together using gems and materials you collect by defeating enemies.

Cool Visuals and Stellar Gameplay
Visuals are an important part of any good game and Earth Wars is no exception. The visuals look great for a 2D game and the color choices really nail the dystopian feel of being in destroyed cities. Even the opening cutscene, featuring an epic skydiving sequence while you recieve your orders, drips with a sepia palatte giving off an apocalyptic vibe. Who doesn’t love jumping out of a plane down to a destroyed city below? Making a good entrance is important!
Gameplay is straightforward, but a lot of fun and engaging. There’s not a lot better than battling creatures determined to destroy earth. And you don’t even need a T-800, that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, to do it.
Is It Hardcore?
As hardcore as John Connor saving humanity from evil cyborgs three different times.
Earth Wars lets you battle in an almost dystopian setting. The visuals are great and gameplay is fun and engaging. Plus, you don’t even need John Connor or a T-800 to help save mankind.